Brand archetypes: The key to building a strong and authentic brand

Your brand is more than just a logo and tagline. It's the personality of your business, the values it represents, and the emotional connection it has with your target audience. One way to create a strong and authentic brand is to choose a brand archetype.

What is a brand archetype?

A brand archetype is a universal human character trait that brands can use to connect with their customers on an emotional level. There are 12 main brand archetypes, each with its own unique set of values and motivations:

  • The Innocent: Pure, carefree, and optimistic.

  • The Everyman: Relatable, authentic, and down-to-earth.

  • The Hero: Courageous, inspiring, and always fighting for the good.

  • The Outlaw: Rebellious, unconventional, and challenging the status quo.

  • The Explorer: Curious, adventurous, and always seeking new experiences.

  • The Creator: Innovative, expressive, and always striving to make the world a better place.

  • The Ruler: Powerful, confident, and always in control.

  • The Magician: Transformational, inspiring, and always pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

  • The Lover: Passionate, romantic, and always seeking deep connections with others.

  • The Caregiver: Nurturing, supportive, and always putting the needs of others first.

  • The Jester: Fun-loving, playful, and always bringing joy to others.

  • The Sage: Wise, knowledgeable, and always seeking the truth.

How to choose a brand archetype

The best way to choose a brand archetype is to think about the core values of your business and the emotions you want to evoke in your customers. For example, if you're a sustainable clothing company, you might choose the Explorer archetype to appeal to customers who are curious about the world and always seeking new experiences. If you're a technology company, you might choose the Magician archetype to appeal to customers who are looking for innovative and transformative products.

How to use a brand archetype

Once you've chosen a brand archetype, you can start to use it to inform all aspects of your branding, from your logo and messaging to your marketing campaigns and customer service. For example, if you're using the Hero archetype, you might focus on stories that showcase your brand's courage and commitment to making a difference in the world. If you're using the Lover archetype, you might focus on creating a warm and inviting brand experience that makes customers feel loved and appreciated.

Here are a few examples of successful brands that use different archetypes:

  • Coca-Cola: The Innocent

  • Nike: The Hero

  • Apple: The Magician

  • Tesla: The Explorer

  • Disney: The Creator

  • Volvo: The Caregiver

  • Harley-Davidson: The Outlaw

  • Google: The Sage

Benefits of using a brand archetype

There are many benefits to using a brand archetype, including:

  • Helps you create a strong and authentic brand: By choosing a brand archetype that aligns with your core values and mission, you can create a brand that feels genuine and authentic to your customers.

  • Helps you connect with your target audience on an emotional level: Brand archetypes are universal human character traits, which means that they can resonate with people on a deep emotional level. By using a brand archetype, you can create a brand that customers feel connected to.

  • Helps you differentiate yourself from your competitors: In a crowded marketplace, it's more important than ever to differentiate yourself from your competitors. Using a brand archetype can help you stand out from the crowd and create a unique brand identity.


Brand archetypes are a powerful tool that can help you create a strong and authentic brand that connects with your target audience on an emotional level. If you're looking to build a brand that stands out from the crowd, consider choosing a brand archetype that aligns with your core values and mission.


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